Quality of work life management

Trends in quality of Work-Life at work

Ecology of attention, human cognitive capacity is limited and is increasingly subject to unwanted and invasive external stresses. In business, the all-digital associated with the increasingly common transition to open space, office sharing, flex office, or home office directly affects individual or team concentration capabilities.

Managerial culture, the revolution of managerial culture, is accelerating and includes targeted training for leaders and managers.

Multiple activities, the “intrapreneurs,” those employees who take advantage of their original company to develop new and innovative businesses have been replaced by slashers; these employees that combine several jobs have since further deepened the trend. Companies need to adapt and offer more flexible working time arrangements and conditions of employment if it wishes to retain precious talents.

Health challenges, develop in business. In the line of sight now, addictive behaviors (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, psychotropic drugs, games): a subject often complex and stigmatizing, difficult to tackle at work. Tobacco Free month has shown its effectiveness in raising awareness of the dangers of smoking.

Multiple learning, whether it is on the initiative of the employee or the company, the training now takes on several faces: eLearning, tutoring, but also workshops, seminars, or coaching.

Meaning at work is a major issue because it affects many individuals and severely impacts the collective work. With job crafting, new techniques allow employees to re-design their work from the inside and to restore meaning to their mission. These methods allow employees to reflect on the content of their responsibilities, way of working, perception of work, and then to connect this reflection to their environment and relationships with others.

Human Resources Management, a few years ago, could still be satisfied to define HR policies applicable to the whole company.Today it is impossible to escape segmentation: by specialties, age, seniority, retention of talent, end of their careers, or to respond to individual cases encountered. According to studies, 80% of women are confronted with sexism in the workplace, making it the first place for this type of injustice. Newly in some countries in the EU, the issue of religion, race or origin touches more deeply on the corporate culture.

All the above trends encourage companies to define their mission and values, that is the essence of her project and their societal contributions. The aim is to align strategic objectives, including the quality of work-life, with the company’s mission and values and thus give meaning to the work of employees.

The perimeter of CHC Consulting activities focus on the notion of balancing the well-being and quality of work-life while ensuring sustainable economic performance:

  • Quality of Work-Life Management: Assistance to the management for the development and implementation of a quality policy balanced with performance management.
  • Development and conduct of training programs for executives and staff.

Occupational risks and accident prevention:

  • Accident study & risk identification
  • Definition and implementation of the accident prevention plan.

Social Climate 

  • Efficiency in Interpersonal Communication
  • Negotiating Ability
  • Managing Change Challenges and Stress
  • Ability to Convince and Lead
  • Projects/Team Reducing Anxiety in Complex Decision Processes
  • Best Work Atmosphere
  • Hotline trust Mediation in case of harassment  
  • Absenteeism management

Performance management

Strengthening entrepreneurial interest and added value in line with the health and well-being of staff and social responsibility.

Human Resources Management

  •  Developing and implementing a human resources management model tailored to the complex and changing paces of internal and external activities as well as the business and size of the company
  •  Recruitment (new skills), training and development (skills adjustment)
  •  Global compensation and incentive systems (motivation)
  •  Transformation, consolidation, and restructuring. (commitment)

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